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PROLUBE is a synthetic motor oil engineered to provide outstanding performance under an extensive range of conditions.

Diesel Engine Oils

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Who We Are


Eco-Friendly technology

Eco Friendly Technology

With the advancement in technology and the need for increased and improved efficiency machines, improved lubricants are needed. The lubricants are made from oils and additives with higher biodegradability that might be harmful to the environment. By keeping all these factors in mind there is a great need for sustainable lubricants or engine oils for the vehicles to reduce the pressure on the environment.

PROLUBE in this respect works in the manufacturing of lubricants and motor oils with less toxicity and harmful effects. Our products are formulated using the latest technologies and advanced bio based materials. It makes the products more environmentally friendly, sustainable, less harmful or toxic to the atmosphere, and less likely to bioaccumulate.

We produce environmentally acceptable lubricants that are made from low molecular weight and harmful chemicals. It makes our products offer a good and long-term driving experience.

Environment Friendly

Our products are eco friendly and providing the best outputs.


Ultra Stability increasing the life span of your vehicle.

Reduce Friction

Reduces the friction and increase the performance.

Awesome Features

Advance Technology

The use of low friction technology makes these oils suitable for use. Moreover, they are made by blending with 100% virgin base oil.

Greater Performance

These lubricant oils offer lower viscosity with greater performance and operation.

Protects the Engine

It provides complete protection to your Engine and prevents wear and tear, and corrosion as well as provides excellent motor protection.

Longer Sump Life

Provides long sump life and extends the oil changing period.

Reduced Fuel Consumption

These oils are designed in a way that reduces fuel consumption.

Suitable for changing climate

Lubricates better in cold climates. Provides good performance at high/cold temperatures.

Work Process



Requirement Gathering & Product Study



Work on Feasibility of the product



Production and testing



Ready to ship

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